Friday, October 10, 2008

Smart phones: The clone wars

And I still don’t have a phone. Yes, that’s right. Believe it or not, in this day and age, the angry little lady does not have a cell phone of her own. I irresponsibly ran my last bill too high and thus my service was disconnected. I was really infuriated at myself for letting me do stupid things my phone, particularly because I had spent most of the money talking long hrs. with a pathetic excuse for an ex-boyfriend with commitment issues (no shit! A guy with commitment issues? An absolute rarity - Never seen such thing before!! ) so I decided to not have a phone until I could

1) Pay off the bill

2) Manage my money responsibly on a daily basis.

3) Stop dating morons

I completed the 1st step. I settled the bill (yay! Said the phone company).

Now, since the 2nd or third option haven’t really taken place yet I still don’t allow myself to reconnect my phone service or continue to engage in any type of relationships with broke, emotionally unavailable losers. Still, that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the fierce smartphone battle for supremacy, so you can expect me to find myself informed about the new trend of technologically omnipotent phones.

From what I’ve read the iPhone is no longer the Supreme ruler in Smartphone-land. Others have come a long way in trying to climb to the iPhone’s throne and take over but its proven difficult. I hear the Blackberry Storm is the first device that gets dangerously close to the overall look and feel of Apple’s iPhone. On the other hand, the most common complaint I hear is that the Storm doesn’t have Wi-Fi and since Verizon Wireless is the carrier some users are complaining about having to pay for crappy applications and services.

Some of the high tech goodies that come bundled in the Storm include the ability to work in more than 200 countries, it has a built-in 3.2 megapixels camera that records video as well, GPS, instant messenger capabilities, and it features the capacity to view and edit Microsoft Office documents. Others say it is not yet the iPhone killer', the Antichrist predicted by developers but then again, there’s another strong contender ready to bring it on: that’s the G1 Google phone. With its open source “Android” feature, users will give Google the big bucks by contributing to its development. How convenient isn’t it? These Google guys do not cease to amaze me. The phone has caused some stir but it happened to be born at a bad time: recession is at its best and being that the US economy obviously affects all markets worldwide it makes it that more difficult for the G1 to get a good start.

Right now I honestly don’t even know why is the thought of expensive fancy looking phones crossing my mind: I mean I got a loser of an ex who doesn’t even call, I’m using my mom’s cell phone in the meantime and probably running her a big tab too so the money management philosophy isn’t working –thank you very much- and I’m as broke as the Lehman Brothers (bad enough considering they are two, you know)

Oh well, I’m not so angry today. Mostly tired and although I know you can’t get enough of my rants, I’ll have to stop here.

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