Friday, October 17, 2008

Life getting in the way of blogging

I can't believe this man…

I start a blog and voila! I get a call from a former job to take a 2nd shift. Well I'm a whore for money and so I took it. They don't pay nearly as good as my current job but I've always felt good under extreme pressure (working 2 jobs, 6 hrs. a day, tiring out my organism through caffeine shots! ) but most importantly, I’ve always felt good cashing 2 paychecks.

So here I am, and I haven't had the time to continue posting BUT … since I'm in love with my new baby blog and the incredible discovery of twitter then I thought I'd come back with some type of blog post at least to fill up empty space.

Don't get me wrong, I continue to be an angry little lady with an angry life. In fact, just yesterday I ordered chicken from a place called RostiPollos which sells, well, roasted chicken. I called in my order at 10:47am because I was starving and I tend to get angry when hungry so I thought I'd better be safe and order way before lunch time.

Well guess at what time did the cold, tasteless piece of crappy poultry arrived at my workplace?


After many phone calls back and forth, all their customer service rep. could offer me was a dessert to compensate me for my trouble. Obviously, I was not going to pay a dime for the food and I didn’t want their shitty desert.

The delivery guy got lost twice in trying to deliver the food. I had just spoken to their manager and they agreed that due to the inconvenience they would send me the meal for free but the delivery guy had no clue so he was pretty reluctant to let me keep the food and not take money back for it – I don’t blame him, he’s probably thinking ‘Am I gonna get charged for this ladies lunch?’ cause’ she sure is drop-dead gorgeous but I ain’t buying her no lunch from my salary money!’ … I blame the manager instead. And the moron who took my order and their useless call center that failed in handling a customers’ claim properly and on time. I also blame customers for continuing to buy at places like these that do not value patronage and who cannot run an organized business for the love of God, even if this represents MONEY, yes green, hard, cold cash, coming in.

I honestly just wonder… don’t they love money just as much as me or the next business? Then why on earth would they jeopardize their source of income by failing so miserably at delivering a single, uncomplicated food order. I can understand if I’m ordering a paella for 250 people but a freaking chicken order with salad and some refried beans? I mean geez the food was even COLD when it arrived. To me their shameless display of worthlessness as a business, flushes down the toilet all the budget that probably goes to branding & marketing efforts, making a nice menu, creating a decent website and hiring employees. What I would do with all that money!
Aaarrrgghhhh It angers me greatly.

Customer Service in Costa Rica is basically non-existent. On the other hand it’ll give me an edge when I finally have a business. It’s a piece of cake to punch the lights out of the competitors even if you don’t have all that much money to invest. Yay!

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